He does.
First of
all, there is the cliché that people with southern American accents are
unintelligent. (Of course, regarding
North versus South, this cliché extends all over Europe as well; in the case of
Germany, part of the problem is that someone from Hannover simply cannot
understand the person from the Allgäu,
and so charges him with lower intelligence).
When Bill Clinton is fixin’ to
tell me something, I am fixin’ to
listen. Watching Clinton is watching a
phenomenal intelligence, and the accent is frosting on the cake.
Then there is what Clinton does to the image of Americans as so impatient
and superficial that they can only listen to brief sound bites of
information. No matter what FOX News
said to the contrary (and they were grasping for something, after all), during
the Democratic National Convention, people all over the country listened to 45 minutes
of policy and did not nod off. I know
people who didn’t complete high school who could later tell me most of what
Clinton said. And did. He said a lot, but he said it clearly and
most importantly, he said it with consequence.
The average American school child performs weakly in math on the
international stage, and that is not merely a cliché. But Clinton was fixin’ to tell us a lot of numbers and to use them to calculate the
outcome of various economic policies, budget-wise and debt-wise, and Lord help
him, he knows his arithmetic (according to the fact checkers). He made us listen to big numbers and he
manipulated them correctly and he reassured us that we could start with 2+2=4
and get somewhere important. In fact, he
reminded me that countries all over Europe could start with 2+2=4 and then
decide if they really want to make retirement reform an evil, ideological
What I
think I like most about Clinton, with all of his smiling, Southern, hometown, populist
appeal, is that the only person he sounds like is Bill Clinton. He doesn’t sound like any other politician I
have listened to before or since in the United States. What I discovered when I lived abroad for more
than a decade was that I could not tolerate the sound of a politician who was
educated at exactly the same elite school as every other politician in the same
country (yes, I am indeed talking about the École Nationale d'Administration). The fact that there was largely one way to
make your point, one general style of discourse, did make me crazy (presumably
only because I was not used to it).
contrast, Clinton represents something (that admittedly may be abhorrent to
people from outside the US), which is that there are many ways to communicate
effectively, and that a singsong, almost preacher, sound is one that can be
both convincing and also largely about content and national image, and not simply
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